The Status class
The Status class represents the status of a Huskoll device, and can be retrieved by calling Huskoll.get_status()
. The class has the following values:
status: The current status of the device as returned by the server (usually "online" if your device is alive and well)
power: What power the heat pump was last set to by the device. Possible known values: "on", "off".
mode: What mode the heat pump was last set to by the device. Possible known values: "cool", "heat".
current_set_point: What temperature the heat pump was last set to by the device. Possible known values: Integers within the span 8 - 32 degrees.
fan_speed: What fan speed the heat pump was last set to by the device. Possible known values: "low", "medium", "high", and "auto".
Due to lack of documentation, the definitions of the current env temperature value and the last alarm variable has been made based on assumptions.
current_env_temperature: The last reported environment temperature (by the device sensors)
last_alarm: When the device last reported a temperature alarm.
hardware_generation: The hardware generation of the device.
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